Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Insert Title Here

This is an old draft that I have hanging around. I guess this was supposed to be a platform for me to work off of, but that never really happened, huh?

Well here's a fun take on what I currently think of those ideas.

Post ideas:
-Australian slang

  • "G'day mate, how you going? I have no appreciation for the letter 'z'"


  • Not even going to lie, Mark and I have killed it with food so far. So kudos to us.
  • Hit us up.

-Feeling like death butterflies after drinking

  • Mark and I spend a lot of Saturdays just sitting around on the pull out couch
  • From above, "Hit us up"

-My affinity for Starbucks wifi

  • NEVER EVER EVER EVER use the internet we have. Looking at you, Big Air.

-Anthony <3

  • Just some serious bromancing going on over here. First Australian friend!

-Girls Drop bears

  • Watch out for those

-Poetry slam

  • Ha.

-Video blog

  • HA.

-Picture blog

  • I could see this happening still, but I mean, I don't take a lot of pictures.
Cool. Y'all want a picture or something? Well I've got those. Let's see...

I think I've run out of things to plug on here. Oh wait, connect with me on LinkedIn!!!

But actually posts coming soon.

Featuring, but not limited to Uluru, my encounters with poisonous animals, my parents visiting and KFC.